Use Case: Variable Changeover times (OEE)
To guide your teams effectively, you need realistic changeover standards. This requires linking live planning data with operational standards.
To guide your teams effectively, you need realistic changeover standards. This requires linking live planning data with operational standards.
Use Case: Optimizing cheese weight Without process metadata, it’s difficult to identify trends and draw conclusions from production data. It often just seems like unexplained, random fluctuations in the process. When you thoroughly understand the process, you know which factors might influence the product. For example, process parameters that affect the weight of a cheese…
A unique event about Data-driven Operations in the Industry, was hosted and organized on Thursday, November 28th by HAI, SAS and Notilyze.
An exciting lineup of speakers shared compelling real-world experiences about the smart use of data in industrial processes.
The new NIS2 security legislation has major consequences for manufacturers in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Manufacturers who use the HAI Cloud Platform to access their factory data can rest assured.
Experts from Radboud University and HAI join forces to help one of the world’s leading French Fries producers Lamb Weston to improve sustainability. Artifical Intelligence and the HAI Cloud Platform are at the heart of this project. This project is part of a 4-year Innovation Program under the name EBI (Engineering Business Intelligence), lead by the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT).
An award winning project with successful use of Artificial Intelligence in the food industry. More and more manufacturers discover how they can improve their production processes with the smart use of factory data. A practical example aimed at improving yield and quality in the industrial production of cheese.
Bettinehoeve and Emmi Nutritional Solutions (ENS) have expeditiously tackled the digitization of quality control in their factories in The Netherlands. The factories process raw goat’s milk into cheese, powder, protein concentrate and fresh milk.
They use the HAI Platform as a Service (SAAS) in the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
HAI experts have crafted a robust Manufacturing Insights tool designed for advanced statistical process monitoring and predictive modeling. The AI model that optimizes quality, yield and energy consumption is an award-winning project.
The AI tool has been seamlessly integrated into the daily operator routine.
The new EU regulations for waste water in the process industry add even more urgency to digitalization in the process industry. Measurement equipment, real-time monitoring, data analysis, and AI applications play a crucial role.
Surprisingly, stricter environmental regulations and cost savings go hand in hand here.
In the Dutch Lamb Weston French Fries Plant of Oosterbierum data-driven production is no longer a theoretical concept.
The HAI Cloud Platform provides intelligent factory dashboards and can even deliver AI-based applications: “This helps us to quickly see if we are operating WELL and also to understand WHY”.
The brand-new dairy factory of E-Piim in Estonia has produced its very first Cheddar cheese, and HAI was part of the action.
Randel Veerits, Plant Director: “We discovered that HAI’s software is used by most major dairy producers as an information system for their factories. Their hands-on experience has proven very valuable, also during the startup.”
Gartner, one of the world’s leading IT advisory firms, is clear about it: Embrace the Cloud, they say, even for business-critical applications. The benefits outweigh the drawbacks. This aligns with the trend of a growing number of factories using the cloud to process operational factory data in real-time, just like the new hai-app platform from HAI on the MS Azure Cloud.
Alexander Daehne, Manufacturing Industry Lead EMEA at SAS, presented the winning SAS Hackaton project by Team HAI-Notilyze during the 2023 SAS Innovate on Tour event in June in Amsterdam.
The project shows how data science can help food manufacturers improve yield and quality, while reducing costs and food waste.
HAI, together with data science specialist Notilyze, won the SAS Hackathon competition of 2023 in the Manufacturing category.
The winning case is a smart model that focuses on further optimizing the industrial production of cheese.
For the data analysis, a whopping two years’ worth of historical data from hai-app, HAI’s cloud platform, was utilized.
Industry can save 20-30% on energy consumption. This represents savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
How? Simply by working smarter!
The collaboration between energy-IO and HAI gives manufacturers detailed insight into their energy consumption in relation to all relevant information from the production process.
The process industry cannot make their existing process installations sustainable overnight.
The transformation to more sustainable production takes years and requires substantial investments.
“Process monitoring and data analysis, however, can be started right away”, says Peter.
With amazing results …
Team Notilyze/HAI has won the SAS Hackaton with a Manufacturing Insights tool for statistical analysis and predictive modelling.
The tool provides insight in managing energy consumption and helps to optimize production processes.
The tool is applied to data from a distillation process in a Dutch factory.
HAI plays important role in the Engineering Business Intelligence project, part of the Industry 4.0 Innovation Program, lead by Universities and the Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT).
EBI uses the hai-app software platform for cloud data collection and real-time interactive dashboards for Production, Quality and Energy
Colin Nugteren (data science expert) and Rob Kooijmans food industry expert) partner with HAI in its quest to provide industries with smart software solutions to deliver easy operator tools that have direct impact. Impact on tackling industry challenges like utility consumptions, product quality, production efficiency, wastewater treatment and emissions.
A company cannot rest on past performance and expect to remain successful. How can HAI help the textile industry to overcome its many challenges?
HAI expands its operations in the German-speaking countries.
The HAI software is used to shape the digital transformation in factories across the globe.
HAI has a strong position in semi-process industries, like food/feed, chemicals, biotechnology, pulp- and paper, and textiles.
Royal A-ware looks back on a successful start-up of their new mozzarella/cream plant. This was due to very thorough preparations, also in the domain of digitalization.
“We have set the bar high, and are still reaping the benefits of this every day,” said Ype de Jong, site manager of the brand new factory.
HAI and Simmental Switzerland co-operate to create a digital factory for the Swiss cheese factory in Simmental.
Here, tradition and technology go hand in hand.
This will help the factory team to make data-driven improvements, supported by analytics, trending and reports on production and quality.
The combination of OSI PI System with HAI software has proven to be a great success in practice. In the mozzarella and cream factory of Royal A-ware (Heerenveen), the factory data in the PI System is connected to the smart dashboard software from HAI. Actemium played an important role in the implementation of these systems.
The new cloud software platform collects big data from the dairy supply chain: from farmer to industrial dairy manufacturing. Powered by artificial intelligence techniques, the platform is an innovative breakthrough to provide new insights to dairy cooperations, manufacturers, branche associations and food safety institutes.
Operations Manager Arie van Aalst had everything running smoothly in his brand new dairy factory. Or so he thought. Until that one day in spring, when everything was turned upside down by an outbreak of Salmonella. Months later, when the factory was allowed to restart, he had learned a valuable lesson. The canary in the coal mine had definitely sent a signal… So why did this remain undetected?
HAI Cloud software solutions. Rest assured, knowing that the factory is running like clockwork; with your data always readily available.
Digital batch reports provide significant benefits: it’s faster, simpler, more complete and more reliable. But how do you make this happen?
Batch reports become more and more important in the food industry. After all, it includes an overview of all quality control records, production checks, and production data of a batch.
Many food manufacturers still work with paper-based records or pdf files to record their quality tests and production checks. This means that batch release and complaint investigations require a lot of manual work.
The American multinational is among the largest food producers in the world. One of their largest production sites is in the Netherlands. There, they recently started using the HAI software to gain more insight into the details of their production processes.
Elopak introduced an early warning system for operators in their factories in The Netherlands, Russia, Canada and Ukraine . The new HAI trending dashboards show product quality in real-time. This helps operators to identify anomalies at an early stage.
The HAI software proves a valuable extension to the OSI PI System software voor factory data collection. The HAI dashboards combine plant data, with quality data and manual operator test results. Simplicity is an important factor here.
Actemium has entered into a partner-ship with HAI to implement the HAI software for the digital factory. “With Actemium we suddenly have a whole team of experienced consultants available for HAI implementations, and additional industrial services.”
Aviko Rixona has expanded the HAI software with data from SAP, MES, factory control and lab instruments. The result is sublime in its simplicity: a real-time dashboard for production and quality AND a database in which you can easily search and find trending data.
The Covid-19 measures have created a new reality for the way factories are organized. For many factories, there is now a minimum of factory personnel on-site. Management and supporting plant personnel work predominantly from home. People working remotely often struggle to stay well-informed on exactly what’s happening in the factory.
Thus, the new reality of factory personnel working from home has intensified the need for plant information systems in the cloud: with a digital factory we have all the information we need, anytime, anywhere.
It was an interesting conference with enthousiastic delegates from DSM, Yakult, Euroma, Elopak, NewItera, HAI, Aviko Rixona and Kraftheinz.
They were impressed to see how Royal A-ware benefits from the HAI digital factory software.
Hunting for the Golden Batch with software from HAI at a hightech bio-technological factory.
“The challenge is to discover the optimal conditions, in order to produce the best quality in the shortest possible time”.
Cheese manufacturer saves 1 lab FTE by integration of HAI software with exernal dairy lab Qlip. This includes sample registration and automated processing and trending of the test results.
In-line measurement of product quality versus of off-line quality tests. It helps.
Why? Because you can immediately notice if the production process is not performing optimally: it allows you to timely adjust your production process, in order to prevent rejected batches and ensure product quality consistency.
So, is the introduction of in-line measurement always a no-brainer? I’d say yes, provided you take the right approach.
“Data – I mean the right data – is hard to find”. This observation comes from a Lean 6Sigma Manager in the Food Industry. He understands the value of CORRECT data. Indeed, it appears that food manufacturers often seem not to have the right data in place to solve production and quality issues.
However, a professional plant information system enables fact-based decision-making. Decisions about: What are the reasons for a Rejected batch? Can we improve quality? Can we increase output?
It’s easier to check the current temperature in Tokyo than the temperature trend of a production batch last week. An app notifies rain showers in ten minutes, but which app notifies that the production process needs adjustment to prevent off-spec? About the business case for smart use of data in factories.
Read the interview with Kraft Heinz on Statistics based quality management: Big data analytics, cloud data storage and big data trend analysis — Database solutions with SAP technology and Smart Software.
Interview Computable: HAI fabriceert slimme software voor fabrieken -De markt begint los te komen voor monitoring-oplossing.
EOC Group, the world-wide specialty chemicals producer, has started preparations to implement the HAI*QPM Smart Factory Cloud Software in their Belgium facilities.
Publication HAI Smart Factory Software in De Telegraaf on 16 December 2015 HAI breekt door met software voor slimme fabrieken
DUTCH ARTICLE: Smart Factory in de cloud – Publication in Automatie (Dutch magazine for process automation) – Oplossing voor slimme procesbewaking en -verbetering.
Elopak rolls out HAI*QPM Smart Factory software in Russia & Canada. in-line testing services and DMAIC / Six Sigma Model management through smart software.
HAI QPM, the leading provider of real-time enterprise manufacturing intelligence software, announced that it has officially been granted the title of ‘Cool Vendor’ by Gartner.
HAI strengthens its position in the dairy market by implementing its smart software at the infant nutrition plant of Lyempf, part of the Ausnutria Hyproca Group.
HAI strengthens its position in the dairy market by implementing its smart software at the new plant of A-ware Food Group in The Netherlands.
HAI announced the decision to move its HAI*QPM manufacturing software to run on the SAP HANA® platform. SAP technology for application manufacturing.
De Zuivelhoeve, a Dutch Dairy company, implemented HAI*QPM software to create a paperless environment and real-time information on production and quality.
H.J. Heinz in The Netherlands has started the implementation of the HAI*QPM smart software at their manufacturing facility in Elst.
HAI announced that ATS International will be the global system integrator and implementation partner of the HAI*QPM software for Manufacturing Intelligence.
HAI announced the availability of the HAI*QPM manufacturing software, securely delivered out of the Fujitsu Cloud: Database solutions straight from Cloud Storage.
Intertaste, a leading European manufacturer of soups, sauces, herbs and spices, has started the implementation of HAI*QPM smart software.
Cloud Data Collection, another hype or a real game changer in manufacturing? The MESA 2011 European Conference brought together manufacturing executives and industry leaders to share practices for achieving operational excellence.
DUTCH ARTICLE: De Aviko Rixona fabriek in Warffum heeft HAI*QPM Smart Software succesvol in gebruik genomen als real-time intelligent data system voor productie en kwaliteit.
ISA-95 expert Bianca Scholten explains HAI*QPM’s compliance with the ISA-95 operations model. She concludes that HAI*QPM reduces complexity and combines functions for MES and LIMS with OEE and SPC for use in production.
Delicia implemented HAI*QPM big data software, a successful real-time plant information system with potent insight analysis and SPC analysis possibilities.
Meer papier met minder energie en afval
– publication from: Fluids Processing
Van Houtum, manufacturer of hygiene paper and innovative washroom solutions for professional end users, has started the implementation of HAI*QPM, the succesful real-time manufacturing information system.
Elopak,the Norwegian carton packaging manufacturer, started the roll-out of HAI*QPM, the successful real-time information system for production and quality.
A leading manufacturer of bakery ingredients, has started the implementation of the HAI software for production and quality. The challenge: increase production capacity within the limits of the current facilities.
DUTCH ARTICLE: Quaker Oats in Rotterdam, onderdeel van het Amerikaanse PepsiCo concern, heeft het productie-informatiesysteem HAI*QPM van HAI succesvol in gebruik genomen.
The European Yakult production facilities in The Netherlands, has implemented HAI*QPM, a software package to record and report production and quality info.
EVMI publication: webbased monitoring productieproces Yakult