HAI*QPM Manufacturing Software to Run on SAP HANA
The Netherlands, 11 December 2013 – Today HAI announced the decision to move its HAI*QPM manufacturing software to run on the SAP HANA® platform. A few years ago, HAI was one of the first independent software vendors globally to provide software running in the cloud on the SAP NetWeaver® technology platform for a paperless plant and real-time plant/quality information. Today HAI is again establishing itself as an early adopter of new technologies by moving its software to SAP HANA.
Competitive advantage
Running on SAP HANA, whether on premise or on the HAI*QPM Cloud, is ideal for mission-critical applications such as HAI*QPM. HAI always seeks to be one of the first to follow SAP’s development strategies, to give its customers maximum advantage. Running on the SAP HANA platform will enable the HAI*QPM software to handle huge amounts of data very rapidly. HAI*QPM is designed for customers who have to deal with a lot of manufacturing and quality data from many production locations around the globe. “The ability to transform large amounts of plant data into real-time actionable analytic dashboards and reports will give these companies a competitive advantage,” says Peter de Haer, CEO at HAI.
HAI in The Netherlands (www.hai.nl) is the owner of the HAI*QPM Cloud software, available around the globe in the Fujitsu Cloud and locally supported in more than 20 countries worldwide. HAI*QPM is an enterprise manufacturing intelligence (EMI) solution to help manufacturing companies accelerate operational performance initiatives, drive operating strategies and capture actionable insight in production and quality compliance. Using HAI*QPM, manufacturing teams can create real-time information on production and quality compliance and traceability, and they can drive corporate initiatives like lean manufacturing, Six Sigma, total productive maintenance (TPM), and other continuous improvement programs. HAI*QPM has been successfully implemented at Pepsico, Cosun, Orkla Foods, Elopak, Intertaste, IFF, Yakult and Heinz.
SAP, SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver and all SAP logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.
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