HAI*QPM ensures top quality for Delicia’s innovative operations
Delicia implemented HAI*QPM big data software, a successful real-time plant information system with potent insight analysis and SPC analysis possibilities.
Delicia implemented HAI*QPM big data software, a successful real-time plant information system with potent insight analysis and SPC analysis possibilities.
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– publication from: Fluids Processing
Van Houtum, manufacturer of hygiene paper and innovative washroom solutions for professional end users, has started the implementation of HAI*QPM, the succesful real-time manufacturing information system.
Elopak,the Norwegian carton packaging manufacturer, started the roll-out of HAI*QPM, the successful real-time information system for production and quality.
A leading manufacturer of bakery ingredients, has started the implementation of the HAI software for production and quality. The challenge: increase production capacity within the limits of the current facilities.
DUTCH ARTICLE: Quaker Oats in Rotterdam, onderdeel van het Amerikaanse PepsiCo concern, heeft het productie-informatiesysteem HAI*QPM van HAI succesvol in gebruik genomen.
The European Yakult production facilities in The Netherlands, has implemented HAI*QPM, a software package to record and report production and quality info.
EVMI publication: webbased monitoring productieproces Yakult