New EU rules on waste water management make digitization and AI in the industry even more urgent
New EU rules on waste water management make digitization and AI in industry even more urgent
Recently, the European Union adopted new, stricter rules for the treatment of wastewater by the process industry.
The industry is now held accountable for cleaning up their wastewater, a move that adds extra weight to the necessity for the digitization and monitoring of production processes.
The new policy aims to improve the water quality of rivers, lakes, groundwater, and seas.

Betere monitoring
The new rules for waste water management include robust measures to filter out more harmful substances from the water and to better monitor the quantity of substances at the inlet and outlet points of waste water facilities.
“Measure is Treasure”
Benefits of better monitoring
Manufacturers who are already ahead of the curve are automatically monitoring their data from process control and waste water treatment using the HAI Platform in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. By doing so, they not only comply with the new EU regulations but also gain much more insight into exactly what is happening in their production process. This brings about significant benefits:
- Prevent fines
Exceeding the quantities specified in the environmental permit results in fines. With the HAI dashboards, you can easily monitor in real-time if the permitted limits are at risk of exceeding. This new monitoring “pays off” by preventing violations of the limits, and the fines that will follow.
- Decrease losses
Unintentionally, waste water also may contain valuable raw materials or end product. This becomes evident in the mass balance, but it doesn’t always provide a clear understanding of the underlying causes. If you can relate these valuable losses to what was happening at that moment in the various process steps in the factory, you can trace the causes. Reducing the losses of valuable product in waste water, directly has a positive effect on the yield: you end up with more end product.
“It all starts with Data, rightly referred to as the new gold”
- Analyses and trending
Also in this case, the principle applies: measure to treasure. By conducting more measurements and storing and visualizing the data, you can generate insights that help optimize the process: whether it’s about reducing environmental impact, overall water consumption, associated energy usage, or even product quality. The HAI Cloud Platform organizes and visualizes this vast amount of data logically. And yes… that’s when data starts working for you!
Artificial Intelligence
With trending and analyses, you can already make significant progress. However, sometimes we encounter challenges of greater complexity. That’s when Artificial Intelligence applications come into play. HAI has already achieved success in several projects in the process industry using AI Technology. But it all starts with digitization and data: rightly referred to as the new gold.
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